I spend a lot of time reading but it seems impossible to make time to blog...but here I am.
I want to share how my raw journey is going...for anyone interested in all that is transpiring.
I started loosing blood clots the size of my hands night before last... lots of them. Like 30 or 40 now I have lost. I couldn't control the bleeding and had to leave work to go to the ER yesterday because I thought I was having a miscarriage. Well it turns out the blood clots are the elimination of old endometrium lining in the vaginal tract and uterus. Gross right. All this blood was just kicking it in me?
So 19 days ago I chose to take on the raw vegan diet for 6 months to cure my fibromialgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. The raw vegan diet consists of eating uncooked organic vegetables, soaked and or sprouted seeds and organic fresh fruit. I also bought a dehydrator to dehydrate fruits, gRAWnola and veggies/nuts. WHY?
When I was 17 I had an onset of an audo-immune disease that went undiagnosed for years.
After a slew of vaccines that were required to move to the Philippines (something I did at 18) I had to move home a few months later from various infections and audio-immune deficiencies. I was told I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and that I needed anti-depressants. My mom declined and I moved on. For the next 10 years I would be hospitalized a handful of times, I had countless ER visits, job loss from my immune system attacking itself when hours got long and tons of frustration as each Dr. had a different conclusion.
A few years ago I had a colonoscopy. The Dr.s found; proctitis, mesenteric adenitis, diberticulosis, polyps, and internal hemorrhoids. I was told I has the intestines of a 65 year old and that my polyps could become cancerous in 3 years. WAKE UP! What the hell. A 26 year old with these problems? We ate organic? We didn't eat McDonalds? Why then?
So I went gluten free.
A year later I had my repeat colonoscopy and everything was gone!!!!
So, why could my body heal itself? How did it heal itself. The Dr.s didn't believe me. They said there had to have been a mistake and I didn't actually have diberticulosis the year prior...because diberticulosis doesn't go away. Well it did. I have the photos from both colonoscopies to prove it.
After the colonoscopy #1 I had found a good General Practictioner... she saw me each month and finally diagnosed me with fibromialgia. I will still say on record that she is a good Dr. but she just doesn't know any better. (story is coming)
When I was diagnosed and when all the stomach problems were exposed by the colonoscopy...I was put on a coctail of meds. Oxycotin, percocet, somas, wellbutrin, phenergan for nausia from all the other meds, zoloft, and a few more I cant remember. (all at the same time) I would like to say that the meds helped with the pain and I was able to exercise and loose a lot of weight (65 lbs) but at the end of that I was left physically dependent on a lot of meds. My fibromialgia and stomach problems were better from being gluten free but I still had the fibromialgia and a dependency on pain pills.
We all have a choice in life to go with the flow of how things are unraveling and accept them, or we can choose the life we want to live and make changes to get there.
I choose to not be on meds. I choose to not be sick. I choose to do all I can to heal my body. I am sick of being sick.
So.... I have been 100% off all pain meds for a while now. I am freshly off the anti-depressnats/anti-anxiety meds....and I would like to say I can not tell the slightest bit of a difference.
I inject B12 daily and I am on one last med for Fibromialgia...but it goes next.
My goal is to be off all meds except the B12 shots by May.
So far eating raw has been positive and negative. I have to learn what true hunger feels like.
There is a raw energy that comes over you when you eat this way. I feel light, sustained, connected to myself, God and the earth. I feel like anything is possible.
My fibromialgia pain is almost obsolete.
Odd things are happening too. If you have read this far on this blog then I am hoping you wont be too grossed out by my next story.
I started loosing blood clots the size of my hands night before last... lots of them. Like 30 or 40 now I have lost. I couldn't control the bleeding and had to leave work to go to the ER yesterday because I thought I was having a miscarriage. Well it turns out the blood clots are the elimination of old endometrium lining in the vaginal tract and uterus. Gross right. All this blood was just kicking it in me?
I've lost 9 pounds so far... how much old fibroid tissue will I loose from this? How amazing though that by eating the food we should be eating...my body is freaking out this much. It makes me want to stick to it. I have had 2 surgeries for cysts on my ovaries... I have had some fibroid problems....how amazing that I didn't have to have my uterine wall scraped but I just had to eat raw for 3 weeks. CRAZY!
SO... here I am. 3 weeks in, 9 pounds lighter, almost off all meds, my skin is clearing up.
People ask me all the time why I would want to eat raw vegan...they want to know if I am dying for some hot real food. Funny...what we think "real food" is.
The raw vegan diet works to cure your body because it frees up the natural enzymes in your own body to work right. Once you have those enzymes and you aren't overloading your system with cooked or processed foods, the body is able to release the toxins stored in your fat cells. The toxins get stored in the fat cells because the body hasn't had the right enzymes to break them down for who knows how many years. Americans eat more than their body can digest and our food doesn't have the enzymes needed to break itself down...and the body has taken all it can from the natural reserve of enzymes so....what happens? The toxins from the food store as fat. Why are so many americans fat? Why is there so much cancer?
So eating raw allows your body to release those toxins into your blood....burning away the fat and getting rid of the toxins. Thus curing the fibromiaglia...which I and many others believe is not a disease it is a build up of toxins in the mussel and fat tissues in the body. This is why I think my vaccines were a large part in my onset of it.
The raw vegan diet works to cure your body because it frees up the natural enzymes in your own body to work right. Once you have those enzymes and you aren't overloading your system with cooked or processed foods, the body is able to release the toxins stored in your fat cells. The toxins get stored in the fat cells because the body hasn't had the right enzymes to break them down for who knows how many years. Americans eat more than their body can digest and our food doesn't have the enzymes needed to break itself down...and the body has taken all it can from the natural reserve of enzymes so....what happens? The toxins from the food store as fat. Why are so many americans fat? Why is there so much cancer?
So eating raw allows your body to release those toxins into your blood....burning away the fat and getting rid of the toxins. Thus curing the fibromiaglia...which I and many others believe is not a disease it is a build up of toxins in the mussel and fat tissues in the body. This is why I think my vaccines were a large part in my onset of it.
I am excited to see what comes about. I am too excited to give up thats for sure. Am I uncomfortable? YES! Is that a good thing....I think so.
"A life lived that matters is not of circumstance but of choice."
"For each of us, it will one day come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will be passed to someone else.
Your fame, your wealth and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or owed.
Your grudges, frustrations and jealousy will finally disappear.
So to your hopes, ambitions, plans and to do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It will not matter where you came from, or what side of the tracks you lived.
At the end it won't matter if you are beautiful or brilliant.
Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought but what you built.
Not what you got but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.
What will matter is that every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that empowered enriched or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
What will matter is not your memories but the memories that live in those that learned to love from you.
A life lived that matters is not of circumstance but of choice."
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will be passed to someone else.
Your fame, your wealth and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or owed.
Your grudges, frustrations and jealousy will finally disappear.
So to your hopes, ambitions, plans and to do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It will not matter where you came from, or what side of the tracks you lived.
At the end it won't matter if you are beautiful or brilliant.
Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought but what you built.
Not what you got but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.
What will matter is that every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that empowered enriched or encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
What will matter is not your memories but the memories that live in those that learned to love from you.
A life lived that matters is not of circumstance but of choice."