Monday, October 17, 2011

Toca Rivera predicts Christine's birth... and she delivers in her shower just hours after PCB's show with Raining Jane and Jason Mraz!

     While some women cringe at the thought of giving birth outside of a hospital, other women across the world squat in fields and deliver their babies themselves. Well.... this is one of the most amazing stories I have ever had the privilege of sharing...and it happened in Christine's shower! 
     Our friend Christine Cyr was pregnant with her 3rd child. She plays cello for my husbands band the Paul Cannon Band. She is a trooper! Showing up to practice and shows even past her due date! 

Yesterday PCB (Paul Cannon Band) had a show in conjunction with Feeding the Soul Foundation and OliveUS Deserve to Lear, a campaign to raise money for the Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania. The show was at the House of Blues in san Diego with Raining Jane, Jason Mraz and the Love Birds. We had been so nervous because her due date was last week. We assumed that this being her 3rd child, she would deliver at least a week before the show and be there no problem. But as the week came about.....she did not go into labor. Friday and Saturday we crossed out fingers and she crossed her legs hoping the baby would stay tucked away until after PCB's show. 

     Yesterday, Sunday the day of the show arrived and there were no signs of labor. Christine came and performed no problem and the evening was a wonderful show filed with love, friendship, great music and positive energy all around. Christine and PCB along with Jason Mraz, Toca Rivera, the Love Birds and Raining Jane all took to the stage to perform one last song together. 

Christine nor anyone else could tell that she was about to go into labor.... and quick labor at that! The show ended and was wonderful. We raised a lot of money for the cause.... and as we loaded up to leave. Ironically Toca Rivera said to Christine and Fernando that he felt that she would have the baby by 2am....which was just a few hours away. We laughed and Fernando said lets hope not and they bet a meal on it or something silly like that. 

Christine and I were waiting at the curbside for her husband Fernando to get the car and she said, " ya know my stomach feels a little tight like maybe these could be contractions." She got home a little after 11:30 and laid down in bed. About midnight her water broke and she said hmmm maybe we should call the midwife. Fernando called the midwife and Christine decided to get in the shower to wash off the fluid from her water breaking. She then had one long contraction and felt the babies head come out. Fernando walked in and said oh ok let me turn on the tub. He left the room while on the phone with the midwife and came back less than a minute later and Christine had already pushed out the baby and caught her on the way out. She then sat down and waited fro the midwife and her mother to come. This photo was captured just after. 

Incredible! The baby is healthy and beautiful!!!! Christine is healthy and at peace as always! She's ready to get back out and play more music! I just think wow how inspiring!!!!!!! Talk about a committed, determined musician and mother! Welcome beautiful baby girl..... still waiting on a name but I think after everything else being so rushed, Christine deserves a little extra time to decide on a name :-) And kudos to Toca for calling it. The baby was born at 1:20 am just 40 minutes shy of his prediction!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rest in Peace Ed Tall Bear ~ The story of Paul's guitar strap

I am asked often the story of Paul's guitar strap. Today  I found out that Ed Tall Bear, the creator of this masterpiece passed away shortly after making this strap for Paul. My last conversation with Tall Bear was me telling him I would blog about our experience with him and the creation of this today Ed Tall Bear I am sharing our story. 

Last October Paul and I volunteered at the California Surf Festival where we met Donavan Frankenreiter. Paul mentioned to me that he loved Donavan's guitar strap. When Christmas was rolling around I decided to surprise Paul with a handmade leather Native American strap. So after googling for about an hour and searching with great intent I found a link to a man named Ed Tall Bear. I loved the pictures of the work on his website and I called the number listed. An hour later I was still chatting with Tall Bear on the phone. He was an incredibly interesting artist and we talked on and on about his tribe, land, creations, the earth and our spirit guide. Near the end of our conversation he said; do you know who Donovan Frankenreiter is? Well I made a guitar strap for him........ WHAT! I was in shock! I had accidentally come across the same man that made the very strap Paul had 1st admired. 
I am horrible at keeping secrets! I was so excited to have found Ed Tall Bear and I couldn't tell Paul. It was sooo hard! But Tall Bear and I started on the process of creating the perfect strap for Paul. Tall Bear asked many things about Paul including his tribe and all about his growing up on his reservation and the experiences he had. He wanted to know about Paul and his intention with music..... and then he began to create. Here are pictures Ed sent me along his journey of creating the strap. 

I really wanted hawk or owl feathers for Paul's strap rather than peacock like Donovan's. On a symbolic level Paul had told me so many stories of his walks on the reservation growing up and the spiritual experiences he had revolving around hawks. Ed Tall Bear said he would ask permission from the hawks on his property. After he did ask permission the hawk shed the feathers that are on Paul's strap today. Here is an email I received from him shortly after.  

"Lacey, I am attaching a picture that i was honored to get - i had a 'conversation' with this young Swainson Hawk (not long out of the nest) - they nest across the road in a big Cottonwood tree.  We visited for about 10 minutes before Mother swooped in and told me that visiting hours were over."
Chanshka Gleshka (young spotted Swainson's Hawk

 I can't sell the Hawk feather , but we will include them as a 'gift' - feathers from our Swainson's Hawk or the Cooper's Hawk.
  We will talk soon.               Mitakuye oyasin (all my relations)              ed

 SPR stands for San Pasqual Reservation where Paul grew up as part of the Kumeyaay Band of Indians. 
When we received the strap in the mail we were blown away! It was much more than I had expected and was so blessed by all the time Ed Tall Bear put into this sacred gift. Here is the last email I received from Tall Bear shortly before he passed away. 

"Lacey and Paul - - 
we can't thank you enough for your very kind words and we are very happy that you are pleased with the strap.  We do put a lot of our positive energies into our work, sort of a meditative state while doing the rather of mundane tasks of punching holes, sewing, stitching, lacing, etc.   It takes a lot of concentration and we like to think about the people we are working with and somehow the two combine and come out into the piece.    I have always thought that i am just a channel for an artist from the past, an ancestor, who has more work to accomplish and is using my hands to do this -  i feel quite honored to be able to serve. 
   We received both payments and we appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.   We look forward to seeing your writings. 
     And Paul, we are very pleased that you are now ready to take on a project that can do nothing but good for the young ones, the ones who are usually shoved aside and forgotten.  If we can help in any way please let us know.
    We send all our best wishes and as the Navajo say "Walk in Peace and Beauty"      
                    Ed and Tina
                                                  Ed Tall Bear August 1941-March 2011

Thank you Ed Tall Bear for blessing us with this strap. We are more than blessed to have one of the last pieces you made. I am shocked to hear of your passing in March. Blessings to your loved ones and may your spirit live on in peace. Thank you friend. Your guitar strap will be loved and greatly used. It will journey with Paul as he continues to share his story through his music. 

                            For more information of Ed Tall Bears live and artwork visit