Our friend Christine Cyr was pregnant with her 3rd child. She plays cello for my husbands band the Paul Cannon Band. She is a trooper! Showing up to practice and shows even past her due date!
Yesterday PCB (Paul Cannon Band) had a show in conjunction with Feeding the Soul Foundation and OliveUS Deserve to Lear, a campaign to raise money for the Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania. The show was at the House of Blues in san Diego with Raining Jane, Jason Mraz and the Love Birds. We had been so nervous because her due date was last week. We assumed that this being her 3rd child, she would deliver at least a week before the show and be there no problem. But as the week came about.....she did not go into labor. Friday and Saturday we crossed out fingers and she crossed her legs hoping the baby would stay tucked away until after PCB's show.
Christine nor anyone else could tell that she was about to go into labor.... and quick labor at that! The show ended and was wonderful. We raised a lot of money for the cause.... and as we loaded up to leave. Ironically Toca Rivera said to Christine and Fernando that he felt that she would have the baby by 2am....which was just a few hours away. We laughed and Fernando said lets hope not and they bet a meal on it or something silly like that.
Christine and I were waiting at the curbside for her husband Fernando to get the car and she said, " ya know my stomach feels a little tight like maybe these could be contractions." She got home a little after 11:30 and laid down in bed. About midnight her water broke and she said hmmm maybe we should call the midwife. Fernando called the midwife and Christine decided to get in the shower to wash off the fluid from her water breaking. She then had one long contraction and felt the babies head come out. Fernando walked in and said oh ok let me turn on the tub. He left the room while on the phone with the midwife and came back less than a minute later and Christine had already pushed out the baby and caught her on the way out. She then sat down and waited fro the midwife and her mother to come. This photo was captured just after.
Incredible! The baby is healthy and beautiful!!!! Christine is healthy and at peace as always! She's ready to get back out and play more music! I just think wow how inspiring!!!!!!! Talk about a committed, determined musician and mother! Welcome beautiful baby girl..... still waiting on a name but I think after everything else being so rushed, Christine deserves a little extra time to decide on a name :-) And kudos to Toca for calling it. The baby was born at 1:20 am just 40 minutes shy of his prediction!!!!