Monday, January 31, 2011

Sponge Bobs in my whoohaa

Ok.... sure most of us want to jump on board with the whole Eco movement. While others have been doing it a bit longer than some.... I just had to post about this product.
Yes its Sponge Bob and he goes in your whoohaa....and for over 6 months at that. 
I came home from work and my husband surprised me with his "thoughtful gift"... While most men have a hard time buying kotex my man bought me a sea creature for the vag. Initial reaction? Yuck! Really Paul? What were you up to while I was at work that made you find and buy this thing? 
After my initial grossed outness over Sponge Bob... I thought I'd check out the product. 

In all's a pretty cool company. I'll leave the link for any curious freaks out there.

SO will I try it? 
And maybe just like the cartoon.... Sponge Bob is a little weird and creepy at 1st
if you give him a chance, he's not that bad. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Smell of Dirt! an update on my meeting with Eric

Today I found inspiration in the dirt between my toes. 
Some people love the smell of flowers, or women (come on boys you know you do) while others love the smell of cookies or babies. 
I love the smell of dirt. 
For some reason it has been my favorite smell since my first job harvesting flowers at the Humming Bird farm in Washington State. I have spent my fare share of time in the dirt. Picking lavender in the fields of Sweet Water Lavender Farms with Joanna Thome the summer before our Junior year; working under the green house roof at Sally's Garden while Washington's rain poured like a symphony overhead; digging holes in Murrieta as my school service; and my favorite dirt of all.... living in a barn for 8 months and working as an in-turn in Organic Farming at The Rosehip Farm and Garden on Whidbey Island. 

My most peaceful moments have been in a field or crouched under shrubs pulling weeds. 
Now I live an urban existence, where peace comes in other forms. 
But today I stood with dirt between my toes...well more like dust. Eric Shepard of O'Connell Maintenance and I met to look over the land I singled out on my complexes grounds. What an amazing guy! He has a love for community and putting gardens in them. Last summer when I met him, he took me to like 5 different gardens through out San Elijo that he and his company put in. Usually Eric works with the homeowner associations of the more upscale neighborhoods in the area but has been kind enough to give me his time to help me with the proposal for my garden project. 
He liked the land I picked so now I need to build and interest list from my neighbors to see who is interested in being a part of the garden. Erick will draw up a bid and proposal for my complex and hopefully....fingers crossed, I will be smelling dirt a little closer to home here soon. 

My dream.... that this will work and I will have learned enough to move onto another subsidized apartment complex and help put in another community garden there....and another and another and another, until we fill this town with them.
If you find yourself inspired like I was to start a community garden project, a great website to check out is;

here is the land I hope to plant on!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Organic... a trend or a load of crap?

10 reasons why I eat organic.

1. I have a child
2. I have an autoimmune disease
3. My child is hyper
4. Cancer runs in my family
5. I have struggled with my weight
6. I take anxiety medication
7. I want to live past 60
8. I know the truth
9. I want Ash to live past 60
10. I know Organic is a trend but I also know its the only way to get safe food without growing my own

Google and Youtube are my friends. There is a wealth of information out there. If you have time to check your facebook, you have time to watch a five minute video.

We can make excuses.... it's too expensive, it's a pain to buy, I don't like how it tastes.... don't wait until you HAVE to make dietary changes... prevention is the best alternative.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A World Away From Here

   What occupies my mind throughout most of my day? What about yours? The moment you wake up, what goes through your mind? I know for first thoughts are wrapped all around myself, and I think that's the case for most of us.
   A World away from us children die every second, women, men and children are sold into slavery, children in Haiti loose their parents to Aids before their 5th Birthday and somewhere far away mothers struggle to find clean water for their babies. 
   It is easy to sympathize for foreign faces but what about the kid next door being killed by childhood obesity? His unknowing parents poisoning him everyday with Genetically Modified Foods. We need to wake up and realize what is going on not only around the World but right here at home. 
   Welcome to my 1st Blog. I want to begin a journey, a journey of research, of teaching myself how to change, of educating myself to the truths being hidden from us. I want to talk about Being Change Now! Not only why we should be thinking about Being Change but how we can make small changes each day to make a difference. 

Being Change Now isn't that easy BUT it's not that hard either........