Thursday, April 21, 2011

Manifestation ~ Affirmations

     VooDoo shmoodoo.... Positive affirmations have more power in them than a lot of people want to give credit. Manifesting positive outcomes and situations or connections in our lives is something that CAN be done! You may say voodoo but I have seen evidence in my life and lives around me. SO I am creating a collection of positive manifestation photos.... What do I see in my future? 

     This isn't about "things," having nice things or having more than what I have now but rather, what do I see my life looking like... feeling like. I have a feeling inside as we all do... a feeling we strive to create each day in our families and world. My feeling looks like this;

So this is the beginning of my dream collage... 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Releasing emotions... I owe Pablo an apology P.S. Fibromiagia is bullshit!

I cleaned out my cupboards. 
Today was my 4th week for my RAW journey. I find myself asking what is happening to me? Amazing and scary things....things I read about...heard about. But like anything...when it actually happens we find ourselves doubting...questioning. 
I read about the emotions that come out with the raw food diet... 
Supposedly we carry negative emotions and toxins in our FAT! As we "release" the fat we also "release" the toxins. Hormones....and toxins released into the blood can make for some cranky moments. Today I lost control over my emotions... fear, pain, anger, self-loathing and rage came out. 
So I tried to focus on the positive of this emotional meltdown...which is I AM detoxing! Shit is coming out!!!! Shit I do not want!!!! Sorry Pablo...thanks for your patience with me today. 
Some really cool things have happened too.... the heals on my feet have been dry for a few years. I have to get pedicures and use pumice rocks to keep my heals smooth... I had read that cracked heals are a sign of nutrient deficiency. 
Well.... the cool thing is that my heals are now smooth and not cracked... they feel like  I had a pedicure and put on some good foot lotion.....but I did neither. My body is healing...rebuilding. I am being change!

I cleaned out my cupboards and made my raw foods accessible. I have my blender, juicer, food processor, dehydrator and super foods all where I can easily get to them. 
The two questions I continue being asked are; what do I eat and where do I get my protein? 
Breakfast; I make a juice with beats, spinach, celery and carrots. I also have a smoothy with kale, spinach, tomato, avocado, banana, and a nectarine or berries. Some days I eat a raw sprouted gRAWnola with an almond milk and berries....if I am feeling hungry. 
Throughout the day I snack on nuts and avocados if I am at work. 
Lunch; I make a salad....the most amazing salad ever! This is usually what I make for lunch and dinner. 

A mix of greens and spinach, broccoli, carrots, sprouts, brussel sprouts, tomato, cilantro, avocado, raw sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, raw cranberries, cashews and walnuts. I use liquid brags salad's raw with amino acids and apple cider vinegar. 
Dessert; if needed... raw coco grawnola. I also make ice cream with coco powder and avocado....

Ok.... protein. Its in sooo many things! It is such a lie that we need meat or dairy products to get our protein. Broccoli has a grip if it... so do nuts and avocados. 

A lot of times in the first few days or weeks of raw people think they are dizzy from a lack of protein... it can be a few things but I thought it was interesting that when the blood has a lot of toxins being dumped into it...the blood thins out to filter through the liver faster (to be cleansed of the toxins) the thinned out blood can make a person feel light headed or dizzy. 

SO what the hell is Fibromialgia? 
Wide spread mussel and join pain. And I have a theory. If toxins are stored in our fat.... and by going raw to release those toxins from the fat...loosing the weight and riding the body of those toxin, this supposedly cures the Fibromialgia... then my theory if that the toxins are what cause the "widespread mussel pain" which I think is really "fat pain". Fat feels like our mussel.... and ya my fat hurts, or did hurt. 
If we keep putting toxins into our body via shity foods...medications, fluoride, vaccines etc... our fat can only hold so much. So we either make new fat or we max out the fat we have.... I think thats what Fibromialgia is. JUST AN OPINION.... lets not get feisty. 
If you lived with the pain of this "disease" for as long as I did...and you found a cure... yes a CURE! I think you would tell as many people as you could. 

So for all my friends friends that are being sent to my blog because you have been diagnosed with Fibomialgia... thanks for taking the time to check out what I am trying. I hope you think about it and just look into it. 

"Man can only live about 40 days without food, about 3 days without water. about 8 minutes without air, but only for 1 second without hope."

I'd rather "starve" then to live without hope, being defeated each day by the pain and exhaustion of a disease.