Monday, July 18, 2011

The power of Matty and Avasa LOVE!!!

In my life there are a select many things that evoke emotion from within my soul. Music has this power!  

Specifically Matty & Avasa Love! 

     On a day trip to L.A. to visit the most magical RAW restaurant ever... Cafe Gratitude, I was blessed to meet Avasa Love....whom works there. Her energy was unforgettable and I felt in the presence of something special. Unclear of just how special, we had lunch and went on our way. 
When I got home I bought their album on ITunes 
Let me just say.... once you get into energy work and affirmations you begin to really pay close attention to the energy fields around you. 

When I listen to this couple its like I've done an hour of affirmations and meditation. 

     It's like they have poured their own years of hard self-work and self healing through energy clearing into each song. 

     I play "What if" followed by "Sister Brother" anytime I feel the need for an instant change in my mood or perspective. I can't explain it any better than that.... their music just has a special power in it. My 3 year old asks for "What If" and I even catch him trying to sing it. 
Maybe we all have our special artists out there....and I have a few but trust me when I say..... take the time to listen to Matty and Avasa. Your day or night will be brighter.... your soul lighter. 

"We are always changing into what we are creating. To make it heaven on earth, got to believe it first." -Matty & Avasa

Check them out!!!!